That lil Church

oh that beautiful place that beckoned me to love
showed me that a mother’s unconditional giving of herself
encompassed the universe
We could give our life to that pursuit of meaning
Let life flow into Him and He would dwell in me

Arjun’s astonishment at what Krsna revealed on the battlefield
Christ painted with such stark simplicity
with his blood and his outstretched arms
that encompassed all
how much love is there to give?
How much to receive?
how does it not give in to transactions?
oh mother, how much could I pay
for the time in your womb?

The beautiful ever quenching embrace

Oh now the bricks of the Church resonate in material speak
that is as ugly as mammon’s innards
fills your bowl with shining gold
for offering as grim as Cain’s grain
And for offering your unwanted
your returns are bountiful

If you donate a bell, will you get access to all the institutions run by the church
you pay for the tower to house the bell?
you can abuse the priest in the choicest language
now a Bishop is in a pickle for playing with sacks of money
Oh yes, the poor you will always have, the white robes would say
quoting JC as they did with that other verse on abundance

The only abundance interpretation my Lil church gives me
is how much money will flow into your arms for
asking no questions and being sheep
in place of Isaac when she plays father Abraham
every place of outreach for the needy is now
serving the needy relatives we want to be locked away.

that agonizing suffocating tight mean hug.